CP1: Screening for lungekræft Rekruttering af traditionel svær-at-nå storrygende befolkning LUNGREACH
CP2: Early detection of lung cancer in general practice by blood samples – a prospective national observational study
CP3: Improves imaging: De-CT and textural analysis in comparison with 18-FDG PET/CT, for evaulation of tumor, metastases and lymph nodes in lung cancer.
CP4: The efficacy of combining endoscopic modalities for the diagnosis of solitary pulmonary lesions
CP6: Improves Radiotherapy and medical treatment
CP7: Prognostic value of functional capacity in patients with lung cancer
CP8: Patient Reported Outcomes used for Weekly Internet-based Decetion of progressive disease in lung cancer; a randomized controlled trial: ProWide
CP9: START-projektet: Støtte Til At igangsætte Rygestop under Thorax-udredning
CP10: Lungecancerepidemiologi “Long-term Survival of Danish lung Cancer Patients